Sitting in the corner of the bed, shutting off yourself from the world listening to music and looking outside. feeling empty like all I have is myself alone keeping myself busy with music and lost in all thoughts. Asking myself did I do anything wrong in my previous life that I'm being alone like this. People see me smile and laugh but they don't see that I'm half broken inside. Being surrounded by people only make you feel like being alone is better just yourself and your imagination. sitting in a crowded place only make me feel like an outcast. The feeling inside telling me you don't belong here run away from them. but I kept ignoring it. Telling myself it's ok it's only for a while endure it, it's going to be alright. I smile as if I feel nothing is wrong with me. But not sure for how long, every step I take makes me think twice and guilty. I once asked myself am I doing the right thing. No reply came it's ok it's ok don't have to worry about ...
Roller coaster of emotions, dream's, desires, happiness and many more