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They are the villains

Why hate them, try loving them. back stories might break you, their struggles might sound fake to you. Have you lived in any, try proving them one in a many. Did you see their scars or got blinded by their hatred. Did you see their tears or got distracted by fears. Tear down the fabric, open up the door, let in a new light. They are not as bad as they might seem. In beauty and the beast story she accepted the beast. Not many fairytale have made a villains with sad background. Some were just bonded by their old past and couldn't move on. Reverse the path of the fairytale, prince might be spoon fed but they ain't as good as they appears to. What if there was a villian in Cinderella who tried to kill the prince but the whole truth was hidden. What if Cinderella never found her happy ever after in a castle. What if the fairytale told a story of a villan hiding his pain and finding his lover. What if the princesses never wanted a huge castle but a man to genuinely love them. What if
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