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Crazy day

Another night came stars appeared shinning brightly, silence crept me whole night ,suddenly a shadow appeared among tall trees. I kept looking at it than a gust of wind blew through my window making me fall on the floor a young figure standing before me looking with its fearless eyes hair bathing the moon and stars with a tall figure I can see his abbs , he has a little rough lips and a dazzling smile. Who he was unknown like a character from a novel or movie But all I know was that my heart was pounding out of my chest and my body trembling in fear. One question appeared in my mind over and over who is he why is he here. He fell on the ground and started to tremble in pain , he was hurt and needed help. For humanity I had no choice but to help him I told myself deep breath and everything will be fine once he recovers  as I started to undress him my hands were shaking but I couldn't let him die so I took off his jacket and hes shirt but it was stained with blood and got stuck on the wound.  With the bear hands I tore hes shirt and saw a dazzling body. A legendary figure.. back to the main point so I cleaned hes Wound and laid him down on sofa. I got tried and went to bed. In the morning when I woke up he was still lying there where I left him so what I did was tried to see if my med skills didn't kill him when I helped to stop the bleeding. So what I did was put my ear against hes chest and felt hes  breathing,  he was still alive.. call me hes healer .... sorry I got carried away... back to business.  I prepared the medicine and guess my old gramps technique of medicine did not go to waste.. didn't I tell you my grandmother and grandfather had their medical shop not so big but in a small village..... ik so I'll tell you later how I knew it.. after preparing the medicine I made him drink.. you might be wondering how can I make an unconscious person drink well it's easy I dragged him up and made him swallow the whole bowl. It was hard to put him up, gosh he was so heavy, luckily I was strong enough not that strong but enough to keep him up.. after that I rushed to my room got dressed and went out.. didn't I tell you I'm a student in kung Jun university I'm a art student and I write my novels as a time pass or money of my hobbies, my first book was a success but the company I worked for leaked my plan and I got fired well not actually fired but quitted , today we are having a picture day in university but because of that guy I forgot to bring my makeup and my dress... I so hate that guy all hes fault i got distracted from hes handsome face not to mention it was hot but still... what will I wear now every thing is over I will look stupid in my photo wearing torn pants and a plain t shirt.. curse you, you handsome face and your abs . Well that's how my day went what a crazy day.


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