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My crazy life

Today is my first day where I start my new life in university of science, my family runs a chemical business. When I was small I used to go to the lab with my parents and I use to mix different compounds in one almost about to blow the whole area, I gonna tell you it was a close call, but that was in the past. My lecturer used to get tired of me asking questions well I can't help but think about how to create new formula. It's a month now I became senior in my university. We have different levels and categories as well improve our skills of chemical Understanding. I improved mine and got on the senior level but I didn't know that nothing comes for free. The senior has all the boys and I'm the only girl at my teen studying with them. I don't know how I offended them that they went to such extent and ruined my project that I worked so hard for. Oh did I mention I'm renting a place with my childhood friend. My childhood friend and I was going to look for a place near the the university but than I met my school mate who was also looking for two students to rent with them. How lucky I was until I met him,  hes a student who goes to the university of music. It is located behind our university about 5 meters away. So now me and harry my childhood friend and nathan the school mate and hes friend Charlie are staying under one roof. Me and Charlie don't really have a good term with each other.  Anyway I like chemistry but cant let go of my obsession with piano. Let me tell you a small story do you remember when I almost blast the whole lab yeah that one , I was actually listening to music playing in the background while holding the chemical in my hand and spilled the whole thing in the tube. The end of that and now I'm trying to climb up the building. How I imagined and how the reality dragged me, well doesn't really matter coz I brought a ladder secretly to climb ( evil laugh). So now when the class is empty  I go in and play as my heart contents. And again i had to go back to the cave of doom aka apartment, in the evening two people take turn to cook and two people take turn to clean the house  today was my turn to cook with the trash can aka Charlie. You might think why I say trash can become when ever he opens hes mouth the spouts trash and nothing but trash. So now I'm going to the store to buy meat and vegetables,  on our way to the grocery store I saw chicken half price and decided to buy it until someone took it and replaced with tray beef. Guess what happened we ended up buying vegetables only. Reason why because we are on a budget non of us came from a well known family. Now we have steamed vegetables for dinner. Thank God nobody complained so far but their faces told me they don't like it well. Another morning came, got dressed and took the bus to university. One of my classmates told me someone from our class broke the window in piano room. Well don't look at me, ok fine it was me I accidentally stepped on the seal and was about to slip and fall so I had to hold the window but it was their fault of not making the window strong and I fell with the whole thing on the ground but unfortunately it got hanging there half way while I fell alone and almost broke my back.  They couldn't find the culprit and decided to put a CCTV camera in the whole building as if they had a billion dollars hidden by their great grandfather. The thing is I wont be able to got in there unless someone from that class takes me and I know just a person ( evil laughter) trash can. He finally agreed now you know how my daily life went.


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