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Twist in love

.......hmm where do I start..... what don't look at me like that!I know I know what you are thinking how can I a simple girl fall in love with a guy like that we'll for now let me tell you a secret. ....oh sorry I was lost in his golden eyes for a while. So where was I oh right! The secret!. As you know my whole life I was looking for a hero like in the fairy tales but oh boy hahahaha( she's gone nuts, narrator). Ahem! ! My bad sorry about that. One evening i was passing by and stumbled upon a bookshop (narrator: lies she is a bookholic) I'm telling or you are! Well not stumbled upon I came across it when I was walking by the poster said all books was half price so I ran inside to buy. But that's not it ( narrator: ended up buying half the books there) seriously who is paying you for that. Nevertheless it was worth buying. But I didn't realize the weather changed so quickly while I was inside, coming out of the shop the rain got heavier so I started to run toward my house.on my left I saw a guy lying he looked like he was beaten up by someone. What came into my smart brain was that if I save this guy he might turn into some handsome rich hero,he also had a small puppy with him well it was cute to me( narrator: you call that creature cute)" ignore him.. I tried to wake him up figuring he might be alive but turned out he fainted so I had to grab him and take him to my house to tend to his wounds ( narrator: you mean drag him by the shirt). Umm you know what I'll tell you later! ( Narrator: well see you later as well). 
To be continued......,

Welcome back! He was lying unconscious on my sofa, wounds almost healed, but my eyes was looking at his damn abs.( Narrator: pervert) tsk, but I had a rough day so I ran inside my room, jumped on my bed and kaboom dead I mean droze off to sleep. Next day I woke up groggily, struggling to walk on my wiggly legs, putting one step at a time and finally reaching downstairs to my surprise I saw my kitchen being robbed. Turned out to be the guy eating raw meat with his pet, blehh it looked disgusting as hell the whole kitchen was upside down foods were scattered everywhere and he had the audacity to growl and glare at me with a piece of raw meat in his mouth ( narrator : serves you right) your salary is coming from my pocket money so shush! Sorry for that, he is a crazy savage. I decided to clean up the mess in the kitchen so I dragged him in the sitting room tossing him there then cleaning up the whole kitchen. Ahhh! A dead mouse under my feet geez man where did that come from oh well let's get the trash out first. First of all I need to send this guy to the place he came from. In a civilized manner insat down in front of him figuring out what am I going to say he looks like a total garbage ( narrator: is this how you treat your guests) I lost my patients so I bang on the table to get his attention well it didn't turn out well he got all crazy trying to bite me chased me all around the house suddenly he stopped and picked up the ball lying there and started to kick it like a dog. Speaking of which I haven't seen his pet anywhere, poor thing must be scared of his owners behaviour. Now came evening and throughout the day I was trying to calm him down making sure he doesn't bit me. I remember my old neighbos dog had the same behaviour when he first joined their family, they started bonding with the dog by giving him treats but this guy is a human but due to some loose screw inside his brain he's not behaving like one so in my conclusion I decided to treat him like a dog. I laid treats on the ground he came and sniffed then turned and moved away seriously how can he be so picky about foods. That's the first time I heard him speak saying “ not eating that" so he can speak arrogant brat couldn't he say something earlier before chasing me and glaring. That's all for today

To be continued....
 Welcome back, so today I'll tell you how I tamed this guy (narrator: tamed pfft). Ok not tamed but I used food to try and communicate with him, but as the saying goes hard work pays off but they didn't tell for how long. I brought him some clothes ( narrator: you mean fished out from a dumpster) well it's my bosses outfit he only uses it once so rich so it goes to the dumpster then goes to the shops for selling them at a lower price. Let's not talk about that, oh right so he finally got to speak but was rather annoying he nagged me for food day and night.( Narrator: let's skip the part and tell them the twist of events). Ok... Umm you see one day a strange guy knocked my door but I was in shower so he opened the door for me I don't know what happened but Mr narrator will tell you about it! ( Narrator: so now you need me huh! (‘•_•’) so it went like this one of that guys subordinate came and did some voodoo on him and he went from wild to styled!๐Ÿ˜Ž moving on he told his subordinates that he's going to lay low for a while since he's life is at stake and to take care of his hellhound, after that you can tell or I can tell while exaggerating it to what happened like how you came out of the shower wearing a towel and got shocked and fell on top of him and it opened) don't you dare say another word or I'll make you mute!(•∆•)(fine). Let's forget about the towel and stuff. When I saw him he's outfit were same hair were same but the difference was he's eyes... That pervert eyed me from top to bottom I'll kill him and take his perv eye out and play it like a ball( Narrator: calm down) soon he sat like a gentleman and I ran to my room got changed and came back. In a calm voice he spoke take a sit seriously! That is my damn house who is he to tell me to sit down but gosh that husky voice he had almost made me blush ahem, and he finally revealed who he is like some sick revenge movie I never want to watch again with a sad back story. So now I'm staying with a demon who's been thrown out of his world and his company. Did I mention he's the most famous CEO of a company that run a medical and surgical equipment from where I live but the owner never revealed himself nor did he reveal the reason behind that. 

For more interesting twist in my life stay tuned.

I'm back after a long journey tell you what this guy knows everything yet he pretended he didn't. I went back to buy myself some ice cream I asked if he wanted to try it he said such a strange name and asked me to buy him some ( narrator: you insisted him by tempting didn't you) wait no I didn't he said he wanted.... Alright I was eating right in front of his face but that doesn't mean you send someone to buy half of the ice cream from that poor guy he almost lost all his earnings from it and I didn't have money to buy so many. Since he regained some of his memory, he insisted on staying at my house until his full recovery. So I made a list of rules( narrator: ridiculous rules) tsk I'm talking here. So my first rule was do not enter my room without my permission ( narrator: like his interested) second rule never touch my stuff without my permission. Thirdly don't let anyone know that I'm with you or vise versa. Forthly do not disturb when I'm sleeping or if there is an emergency. Lastly keep a few distance from me when talking ( narrator: this rule applies to you ๐Ÿ˜) why me I didn't do anything like that,(narrator: you sure, From what I remember you started lecturing him from head to toe when poor guy took your toothbrush and started to scrub his body and you got angry pushed him down, climbed on top of his chest ๐Ÿ˜) ok ok .. enough no need to go in detail. It's been half a year since I'm staying with him I'm sure he understood everything by now. Oh well, sorry guys many things happened and I couldn't tell you about it. I finally got a job as a personal secretary (narrator: might as well tell who's) well it's the guy who's staying at my house. I signed a contract with him until he doesn't recover I've got to stay with him and will be paid handsomely ( narrator: you money grabber) what me noooo... It's just he's staying at my house using my things ofcoz he has to pay me how else would I be able to buy things to eat and stuff.
Any way I'll tell you later. Byee
(Narrator: adios amigos )

And I'm back in again with my frenemys Mr narrator (narrator: finally we back in business) this is the last part of our story so let me tell you how it's ended it took bit longer to continue since I was busy.( Narrator: yeah busy gawking at random guys) seriously stop talking. So when I was away the house was peaceful and nothing much happened but I'll tell you the fun  part since we have now approach the ending.( Narrator: this is going to my last story before I resigned from this work) yeah who wants you anyway. So after that guy settled his business and his enemies he confessed that he fell for me over the years he stayed with me and the time we spent together ( narrator: gives me goosebumps thinking about it) welp now we finally decided to move and be together forever the end. ( Narrator: took you long enough to end it
Special thanks to the narrator who helped me with my work (Narrator: I quit this job goodbye)
Narrator.. excuse me I was still talking ugh this guy anyway if you enjoying reading or want some more I'll bring the narrator back just for you.  


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