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Which side should I go

Growing up knowing I was a bride of someone else little did I know an unexpected person came knocking my door. I was told my husband to be was looked up by all and was responsible but on the other hand I saw another who's unrestrained and unbothered by responsibility. One showed me stars, the one caressed my scars. One became my shield, the other taught me how to weild. He knows how to bow before the parents, the other hangs his hand around others like sworn brothers. One bound to keep others from turning evil, the other teachers to be what you want and be free. One respects the wife decision, the other does thing's without restrictions. One shows how lovable a couple can be, the one makes you so special like I'm one and only there can be. One talks about world affairs, the other expresses his inner desires. Now should I pretend to be a person that I grew up for or someone I didn't know I could become. Each are side of a coin on both sides.


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